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Nepalese national flag

1 Rupee (1965) - Pick 8 Nepal - 1 Rupee (1965) - Pick 8
1 Rupee (1974) - Pick 22 Nepal - 1 Rupee (1974) - Pick 22
5 Rupees (1974) - Pick 23 Nepal - 5 Rupees (1974) - Pick 23
2 Rupees (1981 - ) - Pick 29 Nepal - 2 Rupees (1981 - ) - Pick 29
10 Rupees (1985 - 1987) - Pick 31 Nepal - 10 Rupees (1985 - 1987) - Pick 31
1 Rupee (1991 - ) - Pick 37 Nepal - 1 Rupee (1991 - ) - Pick 37

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